It’s time to get off the hamster wheel for good.

1:1 Coaching Program

My 1:1 Coaching Package Specifically includes:

  • 6-75-minute Zoom sessions with me. We’ll dive deep, get to the root of your struggles, get you out of freeze mode, and develop a plan specific to you to reach your goals. This program lasts between 6-12 weeks depending on how sessions are spaced out. You’ll be able to book your sessions around your schedule. Sessions can be every week, every other week, or at a pace that aligns with your goals.

  • Session follow-up - I will follow up each session with an email breaking down the breakthroughs we made in session and how to continue to implement them throughout the week

  • Tailored Resources - I will send you resources that are specific to you and your circumstances to support your work throughout the week

  • Email Access - You can email me throughout the week with any urgent issues and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Investment: $1,950 USD*

*Payment plans are available.

Sign up for a 20-minute consultation. If it’s a fit, we will get you signed up.

*Consultations are not coaching sessions. If you’d like to try a one-time coaching session, you can book one here.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.